31 Ways to Stay Positive Through Difficult Times
Feeling positive is not always easy, but here are 31 ways to help us think more positively.
Building a Baseball Season Kitchen Kit
Packing for the season can be a bit overwhelming. Overpacking can make things even more stressful when you have limited car space at the beginning or end of a long year away from home. So, I’ve pulled together a quick overview of what is in my kitchen bin. Hopefully this helps keep you from bringing everything but the kitchen sink while also covering your cooking bases.
15 Moving Hacks
After an unpredictable season (to say the least), one thing is inevitable over the next few weeks; MOVING. It's a part of this wild life and a notoriously stressful process that can take its toll even on the best of planners. Whether you made the decision to travel, or will be coaching your baseball man from afar on the best ways to pack, we put together a few moving hacks to improve the process!
Advice for Having an In-Season Baby
Having a baby is stressful. Having a baby in the middle of baseball season takes it to a whole new level. My babies were both born in April, but one was during my husband’s shoulder rehab, and one was when he was out of baseball for a year. Since I got lucky with him being home both times, I reached out to our community for advice. Here are some tips from the baseball mamas who have been through this:
OBL FAQ Template
Life in pro baseball is hard to explain. Even when people have been close with your family for years, it can be nearly impossible to grasp all the details and nuance of what you’re doing, why you live in multiple places every year, and how this all works.
Every year, I write an FAQ post on my personal blog to help friends and family understand our lifestyle a little bit better. I thought it would be helpful to share it here so you could do it too!
It's OK to not be OK
Sometimes, as significant others, I think we tend to jump head first into the role as "number 1 fan" and forget that we are also the girlfriend, fiancée or wife first which gives us the right to NOT 👏🏻 BE 👏🏻 OKAY when some major inconvenience happens (as it always does).
The Pros of Long Distance (Yes, they do exist)
The cons of long distance usually take the spotlight and I'm sure you've all heard them or dealt with them before. But I'm here to share with you the PROS of long distance through my experience - and yes, they do exist.
You Belong
If you’ve been in baseball for a few minutes, you’ve probably experienced a time where you wondered if you belong. I’m here to tell you, you do. You belong here.
How We Make Long Distance Work
If you are reading this, we assume you have experienced or are currently experiencing ‘long distance’. Girl - we feel you, you are not alone. Long Distance is HARD - but it is also so rewarding knowing that we are with someone who is worth the distance. Distance has taught us so much about ourselves & what we need in our relationship. It has made us stronger as couples & as individuals. So here we go...
I'm Not Ready
The last thing I want you to do is look at me and think I always have everything under control. I’m still working this out day by day, just like you are. But because I am a veteran wife and have so many seasons under my belt, I want to be the first one to give you permission to approach this season from a place of truth, whatever that is to you. Please hear this: There is no one right way to do this life.
Q&A - Advice for a New Baseball Couple
What’s the best advice you can give someone new to the professional baseball lifestyle? Read our community’s responses, then add your own!
Q&A - All Things Jobs
What kind of jobs will allow me to travel? Does anyone have experience with travel nursing? What are the best offseason jobs for my man? Any tips on how to do lessons?
Q&A - When to Travel, Winterball, Japan
At what point in your man's career did you decide to travel? When would be too soon?
I plan on traveling with my boyfriend next season for the first time. What are the best ways to prepare?
To The New Girls
It's draft week and that means it's time to welcome the newest WAGS into the family. We are so glad you're here, and we can't wait to meet you! Here are some welcomes and words of advice from your sisters in this crazy beautiful baseball life.
It's ok to talk about the hard stuff
I don’t know why some people are quick to jump to these kind of conclusions about our life, but I assume it has to do with stereotypes and a need to compare. I believe it’s important to continue to tell the truth, our lived-out truth, whether people understand it or not.
The Baseball Life: You're Not Ready
To the girl that’s just starting out, You’re not ready, I can promise you that. You’re not ready for what’s to come and there’s absolutely no way to prepare you for it. There’s no way to explain how lonely you’ll be on the first road trip of the season in a new town with all your friends and family hundreds of miles away. You’ll start off strong and tell yourself, “I’ve got this.” And then on day 9 of the 12 day road trip, you’ll lay on the floor and question every decision that led you there and if it’s going to be worth it...
10 Tips for Baseball in Australia
After traveling to Australia, I realized I was very unprepared for the big move down under, so I talked with a few other WAGS on different ABL teams and we came up with a list of 10 tips/advice for future ABL ladies...
6 Tips for a Great Season
I have learned a lot from the past 3 years and am still learning. I look back and wish I had a “Everything a MiLB Girlfriend Needs to Know” guide or the WAGS blog but I didn’t have that then! So I’m so happy to have this platform to share some advice to all my fellow WAGS! Here are my top six tips for a great season...
Travel Nursing: The Best of Both Worlds
The baseball world is exciting and challenging, and we wouldn’t have it any other way! But it can also be really hard for us WAGS to chase OUR dreams while helping the men we love chase theirs. There is so much sacrifice involved, but the one thing I didn’t want to give up was the world I love. Thankfully, with nursing I didn’t have to.
Ask a WAG - Making Long Distance Work
Hi, I was wondering if you had any tips on how to handle the WAGS lifestyle when you go and create a stable job for yourself while your man follows his dream with baseball? I’m currently about to graduate college and am going to be looking for jobs in a place we have decided we want as a stable offseason home. So just some tips on how to make it all work would be great. Thanks!