Advice for Having an In-Season Baby

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Having a baby is stressful. Having a baby in the middle of baseball season takes it to a whole new level. My babies were both born in April, but one was during my husband’s shoulder rehab, and one was when he was out of baseball for a year. Since I got lucky with him being home both times, I reached out to our community for advice. 

Here are some tips from the baseball mamas who have been through this:

Make sure you have the trainer or clubby’s cell phone number in case you go into labor during a game.

If you’re having your baby at home - surround yourself with family/friends who are on the same page and know your birth plan. Make sure someone knows your birth plan and can communicate it in the hospital if your guy isn’t there yet. Think about using a birth center and/or a doula so you have more support and feel comfortable with the staff who will be delivering your baby.

If you’re having your baby where he’s playing - Lots of women recommended this as a way to stay together as a family and have a better chance of him being there for the birth. Have your family come visit in shifts so it’s not so overwhelming and you have plenty of help. Don’t overwhelm your space with too much “baby stuff” just stick with the minimum...newborns don’t need much!

You will probably have to see more than one doctor...just ask for hard copies of all your medical records so it’s easier to go from place to place. Also, if you don’t like a certain doctor, it’s ok to find a new one! You shouldn’t feel stuck with a doctor just because they are affiliated with your team. 

Scheduling an induction or c-section is a highly personalized decision - do what feels best to the both of you AND your doctor. Keep in mind that scheduling a delivery can be great, but babies don’t always come on time. Educate yourself on your choices so you can be confident in your decision. prepared for the unexpected, and try not to have your heart fully set on one specific outcome.

Don’t give into pressure to schedule the birth if you don’t feel comfortable with it. No team, no fans, no front office has a say in how and when you have your baby.

Ask for and accept help! There is no reason for you to try doing this alone. If you start to feel the blues or have any symptoms of post partum depression, talk to your doctor right away. Don’t suffer in the name of “being strong.”

If possible, have your guy purchase a Southwest ticket ahead of time so he can be ready to hop on a flight. 

No matter what happens, do your best to breathe...go with the flow...and trust that everything will work out.

You’ve got this, mama. 


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