WAGS Work: Jessica Kelly
The Kelly Crew makes go-to gear for the crew who knows the game. We create premium and ethically made tees, hats, and notebooks for the ballplayer community. We recently launched big league beads™, a fun and quality line of necklaces!
WAGS Work: Kadence Neuse
Find something you’re passionate about and DO IT. We all struggle with finding our own identity in this life, me included, and creating Gameday Keychains has made me feel empowered and excited for not only our future, but mine as Kadence.
WAGS Work: Natalia Nieves
Don't let obstacles and negative words from others discourage you from continuing with your dreams. No one knows the circumstances you had to go through to get where you are today. You can do it and if you ever doubt yourself, I am here to help you in any way I can.
WAGS Work: Madison Taylor
My number one advice would be to have a great résumé, an open mind when looking for jobs, and an amazing recruiter that can help you find a job based off of your lifestyle.
WAGS Work: Nicole Wietstock
This is a sacrifice we both make and frequent phone calls, texts, FaceTimes, and snapchats help us communicate during our long stretches away from each other. I think the most successful relationships take two independent people living their best lives who choose to be together.
WAGS Work: Lauren Procyshen
Starting my own business has been the best decision of my life. Jordan was so supportive from the beginning, especially helping put my office together. It allows me to make my own work hours, so I can be available for all of Jordan’s games, I get to stay home with Saylor and we can travel together as a family.
WAGS Work: Hailey Brooke Weiss
Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. People can't support you if you don't let them! Don't let the fear of being criticized, judged, etc scare you out of happiness, wealth, and prosperity! You know what they say - those who mind, don't matter and those who matter, don't mind!
WAGS Work: Sarita Francis
GO FOR IT!! It’s hard to plan or know where the next steps are for YOU in your partner’s crazy lifestyle, but its important to know that your dreams matter too and pursuing them doesn’t keep you from supporting your man 100%.
WAGS Work: Antonella Valencia Schwarz
Start now!! Don’t lose your identity to your husband or significant other. You aren’t just a baseball wife, you are (insert your name here)! Find something you’re passionate about and go all in. It will be the best decision you make for yourself and for your family.
WAGS Work: Mallory Weber
My advice is to do what makes YOU happy. Theres nothing wrong with traveling with your man and there’s nothing wrong with staying home and having your own career. I think it’s important to choose the right path for your own family whatever that may be.
WAGS Work: Sydney Parr Lee
You can create the life that you want. It's all yours. All you have to do is work hard, have a vision, understand how you're going to execute that vision, and then go make it happen. Having your own life, goals, and aspirations is a beautiful thing.
WAGS Work: Elizabeth Holloway
Being a working baseball wife is not glamorous. It takes commitment and sacrifice, forces you to be independent, and requires creativity to maintain a strong relationship. That being said, there is nothing more rewarding than chasing our dreams together…even when we are apart.
WAGS Work: Taylor Sarcone
Personally, having my own business added a lot of pressure in some ways because it’s all on me right now, but I’m overall a less stressed, happier, better balanced person. I don’t dread Mondays anymore and embrace each day, which is something I never thought I’d feel with “work”. Matt has been my biggest supporter and encourages me every day to keep pushing and working hard. We are both so excited that I have more flexibility to work where it feels best (AKA wherever baseball takes us :D).
WAGS Work: Haleigh Borchardt
My main inspiration was watching my husband live his dream and he has been my biggest supporter and pushed me to get started. I fully believe that in this lifestyle you need to do something for yourself and keep moving forward while still being there for your significant other during their career.
WAGS Work: Ashley Livingston
My advice to anyone thinking of starting their own business is to just do it. It can be so scary and you may never feel ready enough but that’s the beauty of learning as you grow and one day you can say I did it!
WAGS Work: RheaAnne Ramirez
I wish everyone knew that just because we are following our sponsee around doesn’t mean we aren’t our own people and have our own wants/needs/dreams. That we all fight to find our own individuality and keep it alive during the crazy time we call baseball season.
WAGS Work: Natalie Martino
I work for Lufkin ISD as an Assistant Athletic Trainer. I have a Masters in athletic training & have been a certified athletic trainer for 6 years now. The best part about my job is that I’m off for spring break and all summer long. Meaning we get to travel with my husband while he is working!
WAGS Work: Morgan Bristo
I always tell people don’t give up. It might be hard now, but once you reach your goal it will be totally worth it. Support each other, love each other unconditionally, and be understanding when times are tough. I know every relationship is different, but I don’t think anyone should have to give up on their dreams just because someone else is chasing theirs.
WAGS Work: Erika Richardson
Personally this job has brought me so much joy and a lot of self-fulfillment. I think it’s important to find things that you are passionate about and to fill yourself with people and things that make you the best version of yourself. Dustin has always been my rock. He’s constantly encouraging me to push my own boundaries and expect more for myself. I feel like we’re so invested in each other’s personal growth, that our interest in our careers feels natural.
WAGS Work: Lindsey Barrera
I am a Marketing Consultant for SheIS and a Channel Marketing Manager at K12. I am responsible for all things marketing strategy, digital marketing, graphic design, website design, event management, and more!