Our Baseball Life

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A Season of Change

There are so many things I could talk about in relation to our baseball journey - my husband being undrafted and making it to arbitration this year after so many seasons of grinding it out, the day I left my teaching career to travel full time, living on air mattresses and eating Top Ramen during our MiLB days, or creating a career for myself in Home Run Sitters...

Rather than share about those things, I decided to focus on the most important thing in my life, our sweet three month old daughter Oaklee.

After only a few days of being in our new home in Arizona, we were surprised to find out we were expecting a baby. From the beginning we decided we would continue the “surprises” and not find out the gender.

The early months of my pregnancy were not fun, I spent most of my days in pajamas lying by the toilet. It was a hangover without any of the fun the night before. My face broke out in this lovely hormonal rash and no amount of concealer could hide it. I felt so uncomfortable in my own body. Thankfully my husband took really great care of me and I have some awesome friends that binge watched Netflix with me daily.

As spring training came to an end, I was feeling much better and even made it to some games. It was my husband's first year with the Angels and we were looking forward to the opportunity with our new team. Unfortunately things didn’t go as planned and my husband was the last cut of spring. We went back to Arizona to wait out waivers and eventually were out-righted to Triple A Salt Lake City on April 5th.

Just a short time later on April 22nd my husband was called back up to the bigs, just one day later on the 23rd he was designated again and we went back to Arizona to wait out waivers. During our time in Arizona, so many things were going through our minds - Will my husband get a job? How will we provide for our unborn child if he isn’t picked up? The stress was at an all time high.

We tried really hard to focus on the positives - my husband and I were getting extra time together which is so rare during season, he was able to participate in putting together parts of our little one's nursery, and we got to enjoy a few extra days together in our new home.

On April 26th Kirby was picked up by the Padres, even more exciting is that they were playing the Diamondbacks so we got to stay in our house a few more days until the chaos of moving began again!

For a few weeks we lived in the team hotel until we could secure housing. Once we found our adorable little downtown condo, we finally were able to relax a little as a family. At this point I was 7 months pregnant. The original plan was to have the baby where Kirby was, but in fear that he may be moved again I decided to go home. So after 8.5 months of nonstop travel, I went home to Arizona to await our daughter's arrival.

Well she came, 12 days late via emergency c-section. Girl scared us, but she was perfection and watching my husband cry as he held her was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

After his leave was up, Kirby headed back to the team and I stayed in Arizona to heal and adjust to being a new mom. We planned to meet him as soon as I was able. 

Unfortunately a few weeks later Oaklee became very sick after being supplemented with some formula that her body didn't tolerate. She was vomiting nonstop, and we had to take her to the ER. After being admitted, they immediately noticed Oaklee’s weight had dropped significantly and she was very dehydrated. They administered IV fluids and called an ambulance so she could get proper care at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. She spent one night at PCH and we were told to switch formulas and she would be ok. 

The following week, on the new formula, Oaklee again had the same reaction and we rushed back to PCH. After being told we would be there at least a week until they could find the cause, I called my husband who I knew was concerned, but I didn’t want to bother during baseball season. He asked if he should come home. I cried hysterically, I knew I needed him with me and I knew that his season had been chaotic and I didn’t want to jeopardize anything with his new team. Thankfully the Padres were so accommodating and understanding, they assured Kirby it was ok to be with his family and I was able to have him with us in the hospital for a few days.

Oaklee was diagnosed with failure to thrive, a milk protein intolerance and acid reflux. She was given a prescription formula and discharged. Our sweet nugget began doing so much better and started gaining weight immediately, finally our life was becoming manageable again. 

Through all the lows of this season, Kirby still managed to have his best year yet. We have been blessed with the most amazing daughter who literally puts a smile on everyone’s face and we’ve found a city and a team that we absolutely love.

Perhaps without the lows, the highs could not be reached. I’d like to think we have truly embraced this season of change to the fullest potential possible. 

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