Holding Tight To Our Own "Normal"

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When you are in baseball, you learn to adapt to all of the madness and uncertainty by creating your own “normal”, and after six seasons I felt like I had it down. However season number seven has made me dig deep within myself and find strength I never knew I had.

This season has been unlike any before because it’s not just the hubby and I navigating through baseball life together, we added a little peanut to the wild ride. And believe me when I say that a baby changes everything.

I wanted to share a little glimpse into my daily/nightly routine I have with our 16 week old, Kaysen. I put my nursing cover over her umbrella stroller and place two noise machines in there with her so that she can nap during the game.

This was a game changer when it came to creating our new normal.

You see, we have come so far from the beginning of this baseball season. I'm really proud of her and myself.

I'll never forget sitting at the stadium in Toledo, Ohio trying to watch Casey pitch his first game back from Tommy John surgery while Kaysen was screaming (she was a whopping 5 weeks old). I was trying to nurse her but was so nervous that I was a total mess!

The cover was one way, my top was another, all the while being worried of exposing myself not to mention the sheer terror I felt as a new mom thinking people were glaring at me while she cried! I remember glancing over and seeing another mom nursing and wondering how she did it all so seamlessly, I was envious.

Fast forward to now and I've had several people tell me how chill Kaysen is at the games (she loves them..knock on wood). She eats, naps, and "plays" during the game, and we can both enjoy ourselves. It may seem crazy to some (as I pace back and forth in the outfield to get her to nap at 8:30 at night), but it works for us and this life.

Being a mom has been the hardest thing I've ever done. Especially having to do SO much on my own with no help for most of the day and into the night (when Casey is working). However it's times like this when I get a moment to reflect and realize how strong I can be. Not trying to toot my own horn-because believe me there are times I just want to break down (cue-moving in and out of a hotel every week), but to all of you new mamas and expecting mamas know that you are strong and you can do this!

Adapting has been the key word for us this season. While uncertainty continues to prevail we hold tight to our own “normal” and I encourage you to do the same.

Marin Sadler

Marin Sadler has been in professional baseball since 2010. She met her husband Casey while attending college in Oklahoma. They welcomed their first baby this spring. Marin is a licensed esthetician, freelance makeup srtist and lash technician. She also has a Bachelors degree in Psychology. She enjoys riding horses, traveling and writing. Her faith is also a huge part of who she is.  


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