Packing Essentials for Baseball Pups


Whether you travel full-time with your man or visit him throughout the season you know road trips are a part of baseball life. As you prepare your list of must haves for your next road trip remember to pack the essentials for your doggy co-pilot.

I pack all of my travel supplies in a Top Dog Travel Gear Bag. You have a nice suitcase for yourself and your dog deserves the same. 

Collapsible Dog Bowls

Packing up your life for the baseball season can make car trips a tight squeeze. This makes collapsible items a MUST HAVE. I pack one collapsible water bowl and two collapsible food bowls every trip for my dogs. I store mine on the passenger side floor with a big water bottle for easy access when we go to rest stops. You can find these bowls at Target or on Amazon for your next road trip. 

Seat Belt & Harness

A doggy seatbelt stops your dog from moving around the car and being a distraction to you while driving. When you stop at a rest stop your dog can’t jump out of the car. Instead, you can hook them up to their leash while they are safely strapped in the seatbelt. If you were to get into an accident your dog would stay safely in your car and not fly out the front window. 

And finally, the doggy seat belt allows your pup to stick their head out the window without the fear of them jumping or falling out the window. Make sure your dog’s seat belt is attached to them by a HARNESS and NOT a collar - if you were to get into an accident a collar would choke your dog.

New Toys

Just like you download your favorite music and podcasts (looking at you Our Baseball Life Podcast) your dog needs things to help pass the time on the road. Before you travel, stop by your local pet store. Let your dog pick out a few new bones and toys to keep them busy on your trip. I usually grab a new Benebone for my dogs. They are win-wins in my mind: safe bones to chew on that won’t stink up your car. Stay away from squeaky toys, you'll regret it within fifteen minutes. (I could write an entire post about a trip from Ohio to Colorado with squeaky toys!)

Poop Bags

You’d think this would be a no brainer but when packing up my car I almost always forget these. You don’t want to be the bad dog owner who gives everyone else a bad name by not picking up your dog’s deposits. Get a poop bag clip to attach to your dog’s leash so you never forget this essential item. Pack extra rolls in your pup’s suitcase. 

First Aid Kit

You can never be too prepared. In case you are on the road and can’t find a local vet it’s always a good idea to have a Dog First Aid Kit in your car like this one on Amazon. Another great thing to have “packed” is the Pet First Aid App on your phone. It can tell you what to do for your dog in case of a car accident and look up local vets’ numbers in your area. 

Collar & Leash

Again, something I’ve almost forgotten in the past. When you’re loading up the car and your pups jump in it's easy to almost forget. This is why a handy checklist is always great to have before leaving. Most rest stops and local parks have leash laws. It’s always a good idea to have your dog’s ID tag and recent rabies vaccination tag on their collar before heading out the door. 

I usually pack an extra leash in my car in case I misplace my leash, it breaks or I come across an unleashed dog in my travels. 

Food, treats and medications

I always error on the side of caution and pack an extra day or two worth of food for my dogs. Baseball life can change in an instant and I don’t want to have to track down my dog’s food in an unknown city. 

Pack a few of your pup’s favorite low calorie treats to give them after a quick potty break, arriving at a new hotel, or just simply to remind them how great they are for traveling with you. If you don’t have a go to for low-calorie treats I recommend Zuke’s treats. And don’t forget your dog’s medications and supplements so they stay as healthy on the road as they do at home. 

You Are Ready to Hit the Road!

Happy traveling with your pup! And please tag @baseballpups in your travel posts so we can feature your dog on our page.

Download our official Packing List For Pups here or by clicking on the image below.

Haley Geren

Haley Geren is going into her fourth season of baseball with her boyfriend, Kyle Hart. You’ll most likely never see her without her doggy co-pilots, Sadie Jane and David Bowie. She grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio  and currently lives in Foxborough, Mass.  A  proud product of a blended family, she has four loving parents and eight amazing siblings. Her two favorite vacation spots are the Colorado Rocky Mountains and Antigua, Guatemala.

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