Are you a victim of greenwashing? Do you ever walk down the aisle at the grocery store, department store or pharmacy and get lured into looking at a product or food with a large flashy label saying “all-natural,” “organic,” “safe,” “chemical free,” or “doctor recommended?”
I have three simple life hacks that will sharpen and polish the way you experience the world and the world experiences you!
Earlier this month, Liz Tatum gave us three life hacks to creating a clear vision for the 2020 season. In this video, she goes more in depth on each one and teaches you how to set yourself up for success this year.
Why you need a good night’s sleep and 7 strategies to make it happen!
Let’s Create a Vision for the 2020 Baseball Season Together! Here are three simple life hacks that will profoundly refresh your emotional health.
Eight years ago, my husband was coaching in the Arizona League (rookie ball). We lived in Arizona full time, and our kids loved running around at Dad’s games on the grass of the backfields at Salt River. Life was good…except I was sick…and we didn’t know why.
I often find the focus of most baseball-related posts is on how much support the WAGS give their man, but I’d like to highlight the support I receive from my man during and after season. As many other WAGS have said before, this baseball life isn’t an easy one. You are in a committed relationship with not only your man, but baseball as well.
Have you all seen What the Health?! Did it make you want to sit in a dark corner and stuff your face with beans, almond milk and kale for the rest of your life? Well, you’re far from alone. In fact, Mark’s entire team has been vegan obsessesed since watching the documentary, except for Mark. I’m going to give you all some tips and tricks that I shared with him that I want you to share with your HABS (Husbands and Boyfriends) so we can all keep chugging along without fear of food.
Bryant Meyer, PA shares information about addiction to bring awareness to the subject and provide resources to help you make better decisions in all aspects of the crisis, get help for yourself, or maybe recognize addiction in a family member or friend.