Ep. 26: Marin Sadler

Today we’re talking with Marin Sadler who spent all of the 2018 baseball season living in an RV with her husband, daughter, and puppy. Is RV living a good idea for baseball life? Find out in this episode! We also hear about some of Marin’s minor league hotel horror stories, her new passion for makeup and skincare, and how she believes we can better support each other in his crazy life.



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Links from this Episode:

Life in Pieces

Grace, Not Perfection

Girl, Wash Your Face

Marin’s personal Instagram

Edit* Ann Glaus does Show Jumping not Dressage





Alysa Bajenaru

Alysa Bajenaru is the COO of Our Baseball Life and has been in professional baseball for 17 years. She is a freelance writer, editor, dietitian, and fitness professional. She basically makes her job up as she goes.


Ep. 27: Jenny Reimold


Ep. 25: Janie Reed