Cristina Schnizler
Cristina Schnizler is a lawyer turned writer and stay-at-home mom to three (and wife to one). She was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and is a huge Atlanta Braves fan. She has worked as a story coach and co-led a course which taught writers the art of storytelling and the mechanics of how to get their stories written. Cristina loves to write her own fiction, especially historical fiction and young adult. She has been featured on Her View From Home and also writes on her blog and social media about parenting a child with Asperger’s Syndrome and ADHD, faith, life with autoimmune disorders, and learning who she is now that three little people make demands of her all day. She drinks a lot of coffee and dwells in semi-constant chaos.
You can find her on
Instagram (@CristinaSchnizler)
and Facebook (