Aleah Dechant Aleah Dechant

Aleah Dechant

Hi, I’m Aleah Dechant.

I’m a meal planning expert whose passion is to help busy families stress less in the kitchen so that they can spend more time with those that they love.

I live in the woods in a small Amish town in Northern Indiana with my husband, our two boys and our golden retriever, (also a boy – I’m outnumbered).

Being a planner has always been a big part of my personality. When I was growing up you could find loads of post it notes stuck all over my mirrors in my bedroom. Pretty post-its, colorful pens and lists to cross off were what surrounded me rather than your typical teen’s boy-group posters. Maybe it has something to do with being an Enneagram 2 – The Helper.

As a Mom, I still rely on lists and love a good post-it. If it’s not written down, don’t expect me to remember it! Chasing after our two active boys along with our dog keeps my mind occupied during the day. So I RELY on those lists and plans to get me through. And THEY DO!

Personally, I’d never want to glorify the act of being busy. But really, what parent isn’t mind-boggling, knee slapping, fall asleep on the couch at night, busy? Exactly. We all are. And over the last 10 years I have continued to tweak my methods of getting it done so that I can work more efficiently. When those kids go to bed at night, I want to be able to relax with my husband and have time to recharge for the next day. I don’t want to be cleaning and prepping and handling all the other stuff into the wee hours. It’s just not for me. I’ve had so many moms come up to me and say “How do you get it all done? I just don’t understand!” Honey, it comes down to a little planning, list making and working smarter not harder. Oh, and being able to throw all of that out the window at any given notice because that’s just how it works when you have kids, am I right?

So, here’s why I’m here. I’m going to try and show you how I am able to get some of these daily chores done and still have time to relax in the evening. I’m going to show you how to plan ahead with your meals so that you aren’t stressing about “What’s for dinner?” I’m going to help you take back your house so that it can become a place of refuge rather than something that keeps you up at night.

We’re not going to glorify being busy, friend. We are going to do the opposite. We are going to find ways to make you LESS busy, so you can enjoy your life and actually move it in the direction that you are wanting to be!

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